While there aren’t any particular rules about how to select the right college or university, this list can definitely ease the process. Whether it’s helping you sort through your list of schools or helping you create one, this list is meant to prompt your thoughts and help you sort through some of the principal determining factors during the selection process to ensure a great fit with your future school:

1. Picking a program - Think hard about what programs spark your interests and spend some time researching which schools have a prestigious reputation for program’s in that area of study.

2. Type of school that’s right for you - What type of learning style is most effective to your learning process (visual aural, verbal or physical) and what type of school environment (university, college, vocational school or polytechnic institute) is going to support that process best.

3. Deciphering degrees - What type of degree serves as a requirement for the career of your dreams (certificate, diploma or degree) to help shape your decision around a school that offers the prerequisites to follow your ideal career path.

4. Learning environments - In what kind of academic environment does your learning thrive (a shared classroom with many students, fewer students for more one-on-one learning with a professor or through online self-guided study) and what school could best provide that setting to optimize your learning process.

5. Location and proximity – Proximity of points of interests (for exploration and discovery in your down time) while also considering distance from home (for commuting or visiting on weekends or holidays) can help you choose a school in a location that will keep you motivated and inspired.