5 Ways to Self-Motivate When You've Lost Your Drive

This article is by Carla Coimbra, Content Writer and Marketing Specialist, CPA Ontario

When we get stuck, it's rarely because we don't know how to get out of it. We get in a slump because we lack the ability to act on what we already know. Motivation isn't born — it takes work. Here are five tips to help you get motivated when you feel you've lost your drive.

1. Look back at your accomplishments

Is there a time where you would have been really impressed to be exactly where you are now? Absolutely. Looking back at all the ways you have already succeeded is massively motivating.

Try tracking a list of weekly, monthly, or quarterly accomplishments. Keep track of your accomplishments in a bullet journal or showcase them where you can see them every day. Celebrate and acknowledge your growth over time.

2. Keep your eye on the prize

A "north star goal" isn't about going from a B- to an A, it's about setting a long-term goal that's much bigger. Things like starting your own business, writing a book, rocking your dream career.

Keeping your eye on why you're working so hard will help keep focused and prioritize what's most important to you. Pick the right goalposts to ensure you're making moves to get somewhere you really want to be.

3. Clean up your space

Working and living in a clean and organized space will do wonders for your motivation. If you haven't already, try getting in the habit of making your bed every morning.

Create a space for yourself to work in that you enjoy being in. Schedule tidy-up time at the end of the day so you wake up to a lovely space. This will do wonders for your mental clarity and productivity.

4. See failure as an opportunity

Setbacks are part of the process, but they are also ripe with opportunity. As Thomas Edison said, "I have gotten a lot of results! I know several thousand things that won't work."

When things don't go as planned, take the time to reflect on what you've learned from the experience. Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to learn from our mistakes so we don't keep making the same ones over and over again.

5. Set limits and tend to your emotional bandwidth

Don't underestimate your emotional needs. If you feel like you're sleepwalking through life, or find you feel disconnected from others, then it may be time to think about whether your core needs are being met.

Maslow's pyramid ranks our emotional needs (love and belonging) as the third most important aspect of our well-being. Invest in the things, people, and communities that enliven you. Harness the positive influence of mentors and close family and friends.

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