Focusing On Your Well-being: Healthy Mind, Healthy Life

One of the many keys to living a successful life is living a healthy one. Being a healthy human doesn't just mean eating healthy foods and being physically active — those are big parts, but there's a lot more to it. To be healthy also includes being mentally, socially, and spiritually well. It's good to have a sense of purpose to your life and not spend the majority of it being stressed. It's important to do things, go places, and spend time with people who make you happy. Try to live for this moment, and be happy in this moment, because you never know how things could change.

Here are some tips to help you look after your mental health:

What works for you is unique to you

It's important that you recognize that different methods work for different people. Before discussing all the resources that are available to you, or before you research them on your own, try to think about what you enjoy doing, what makes you happy — what helps you de-stress.

Staying mentally healthy in high school

You're probably curious about how your mental health will be as a university student, but it's also important to consider your mental health as a current high schooler.

You probably have similar worries right now, and yours could be even more (or less) distressing, based on your circumstances. Either way, there are a lot of things you can do to stay healthy! Trust me, keeping yourself sane and mentally fit will benefit you in every aspect of your life (not just school).

The things that help you de-stress will depend on your lifestyle and personality. It's helpful to try different things. I encourage you to try as many activities and strategies as you can, until you discover the perfect mix of activities.

Lead an active lifestyle

Take a physical education or power fit class (offered at almost all Ontario high schools) to keep yourself moving throughout the day. You could also try out for a sports team or consider intramural activities. For something more relaxed, going for bike rides or walks helps too!

Quiet space

Explore your neighbourhood and find a quiet area, or ask about a quiet area at your school where you can go to de-stress or relax when you need it. The guidance office can provide you with more information about this. It can feel good to take a breather and step away from the craziness of life and school.

Talk to someone

Sharing your challenges can be a real catharsis, which is a fancy word for the "process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions."

You can find a mentor, older sibling, or someone else you can trust to help talk through your worries. Not comfortable opening up to someone close to you? Therapists and counsellors can help lend a professional ear, and there are ways to find help at low or no cost.

You are what you eat

If you're going to be eating garbage, then you'll probably feel like it too. Try to eat healthy and unprocessed foods, to boost your mood and overall well-being. It can also be relaxing to make your favourite meals or snacks.

Sleep more

Most people need seven to nine hours a night, so ensure you're getting enough sleep. It'll improve your physical and mental health and make it so you're less grumpy throughout the day. You'll be energized and ready to get on with your days.

Mental health at Waterloo

At Waterloo, mental health is a priority. We're really taking the lead on sensitive and imperative issues, which is something all educational institutions need to address.

At Waterloo, we offer many mental and physical health services. The significance of mental health is recognized, and it is highly encouraged that students take care of themselves and take a step back sometimes when things get too hectic.

Check out health and wellness resources at Waterloo