eg: Memorial Scholarship
eg: Accounting, Nursing, Computer Science
eg: University of Toronto
eg: National Union
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Toronto Metropolitan University: Money Matters 101: Financial Literacy for International Students

Managing your finances as an international student can be both challenging and rewarding. This informative session is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions during your educational journey.

Our International Student Ambassadors will share valuable insights on budgeting, banking, saving, and managing expenses, all while maintaining a fulfilling student life. Learn about scholarships, part-time work opportunities, and tips for optimizing your financial resources, so you can make the most of your international experience.

Whether you're a prospective international student, a newcomer seeking financial guidance, or someone looking to enhance your financial acumen, this webinar is tailored to address your needs. Prepare for a holistic discussion on money management, from understanding exchange rates to navigating student loans and scholarships.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM, Eastern Time (ET)

Event Type: Information Session - International Student School Information

Location: Online