eg: Memorial Scholarship
eg: Accounting, Nursing, Computer Science
eg: University of Toronto
eg: National Union
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Commit to Your Community

Educate Yourself by Getting Involved


Most of us think that the majority of our education is gained inside the classroom. That may be true for some, but many of us learn equally important lessons outside of our lectures, labs and classrooms. Shocked? You needn’t be. Getting involved in a myriad of activities is the best way to enhance your academic journey and student experience. You will learn important life lessons, improve teamwork strategies, and hone effective organization techniques. You will also diversify your resume, gain real world experience, and acquire a sense of belonging.

There are an abundance of opportunities for those who want to get involved on campus. When it comes to learning and applying new skills, volunteering your time directly in an environment that allows you to grow is often the most effective strategy. Whether you’re acting as a peer mentor, participating in a workshop, or volunteering in a research lab, you will gain more confidence in your abilities and some insight into possible career paths. Check to see if your school has a program, like the Record of Student Development, that allows you to report all of your extracurricular activities. Such a transcript may act as your golden ticket for landing that dream job, receiving a prestigious scholarship, or getting into your preferred program.

For those interested in athletics, consider participating in intramural sports, going to a fitness class, or showing your pride by attending varsity sports games.If you love the arts, join the choir, theatre, dance, or photography group. Surround yourself with like-minded people who are passionate about certain topics or social issues by joining subject-related clubs, such as the Psychology Society or the Geography Club, or volunteer your time with different support groups, like Jack.Org. By joining one of these groups, you can use your own skill set and work cooperatively with other students to achieve a common goal, like hosting an event, raising money, or increasing awareness. If you don’t want to fully commit, consider just attending one of their events where you can make new friends and contribute to your community.

Use your free time to grow professionally and make some extra cash with a campus job. Many schools have student positions with reduced, flexible hours so that students can better balance their school work, job, and extracurricular activities. Job opportunities range from teaching assistants and peer tutors to IT staff or varsity game-day organizers. Student jobs are a great way to learn more about your school and practice skills such as communication, collaboration, and time management.

Being involved within your community will make you feel good. More than that, in return for committing time and energy, you make your community better and you benefit from the exchange of knowledge, skills, and experience with your peers.

Modified on November 06, 2018

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