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Scholarship Search

45,375 scholarship(s) found, totalling $57,567,796+ in value.
  Scholarship Value Deadline
Fernand-Landry Scholarship
School: Université de Moncton
Field of Study: Any
$10,000 July 30, 2024
Scholarship Program for African Nova Scotian Students | Science Profession Scholarship
School: Any
Field of Study: Dental Hygiene/Hygienist; Dental Laboratory Technology/Technician; Engineering, General; more...
$7,000 July 30, 2024
Scholarship Program for African Nova Scotian Students | Teacher Education Scholarship
School: Any
Field of Study: Aboriginal Education; Bilingual and Multilingual Education; Early Childhood Education and Teaching; more...
$5,000 July 30, 2024
Scholarship Program for African Nova Scotian Students | Post-Secondary Award
School: Any
Field of Study: Any
$2,500 July 30, 2024
Scholarship Program for African Nova Scotian Students | College / Trade School Award
School: Any
Field of Study: Any
$1,800 July 30, 2024
Dr. Fred Heagy Bursary Third Year
School: Michener Institute of Education at UHN, Michener Institute of Education at UHN - Graduate Programs
Field of Study: Nuclear Medicine;
$1,500 July 30, 2024
Dr. Fred Heagy Bursary Second Year
School: Michener Institute of Education at UHN, Michener Institute of Education at UHN - Graduate Programs
Field of Study: Nuclear Medicine;
$1,000 July 30, 2024
Scholarship Program for African Nova Scotian Students | Performing Arts Award
School: Any
Field of Study: Any
$1,000 July 30, 2024
Tim Colfe and Cecilia Alfonso OTSS Radiation Therapy Program Bursary
School: Michener Institute of Education at UHN, Michener Institute of Education at UHN - Graduate Programs
Field of Study: Radiologist Assistant;
$1,000 July 30, 2024
Saul Ellis Memorial Bursary
School: Michener Institute of Education at UHN, Michener Institute of Education at UHN - Graduate Programs
Field of Study: Any
$750 July 30, 2024
King's University College Summer General Bursary
School: King's University College
Field of Study: Any
$250 July 30, 2024
Algonquin College Tuition Contest
School: AC Online, Algonquin College, Algonquin College - Pembroke Campus, Algonquin College - Perth Campus
Field of Study: Any
$5,000 July 30, 2024
The Harris Brand Foundation Scholarships
School: Any
Field of Study: Any
$2,500 July 30, 2024
Loretta Saunders Community Scholarship Fund
School: Any
Field of Study: Any
$2,000 July 30, 2024
New NextStepU $1,500 STEM Scholarship
School: Any
Field of Study: Chemistry, General; Computer Science; Engineering, General; more...
$1,500 July 30, 2024
Sherman Hamilton Scholarship of Excellence
School: Any
Field of Study: Any
n/s July 30, 2024
Anglican Healing Fund for Japanese Canadians Education Grant
School: Any
Field of Study: Any
$10,000 July 31, 2024
Loh Entrepreneurship Experience Scholarship - Winter
School: University of Ottawa/Université d'Ottawa, University of Ottawa/Université d'Ottawa - Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Field of Study: Any
$10,000 July 31, 2024
International Excellence Scholarships (Undergraduates)
School: Swansea University
Field of Study: Any
$8,771 July 31, 2024
International Excellence Scholarships (Postgraduates)
School: Swansea University
Field of Study: Any
$5,848 July 31, 2024
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