Managing Your Money

There’s a lot more to managing your money than simply budgeting. There are so many aspects of your life as a student that can have an impact on your finances. Check out these four aspects of your life that you could save money on, and review the University of South Wales’ top tips for managing your money:

1. Food

Here are some tips on making small switches to more sustainable eating, try all of them or just the one to start making the switch to being more sustainable. When thinking of sustainable spending in relation to food, you should consider spending closer to home on goods produced closer to home and reducing food waste. Eating seasonal fruit and vegetables from local suppliers is a great way to do this, it is also often cheaper as is trying meat free for some of your meals. You can also swap fresh for frozen, especially on items that you use in small quantities or those that aren’t currently in season.

2. Fashion

What doesn’t sit so well with us these days though is ‘fast fashion’, fast changes in fashion, fast production, items only worn a few times then disregarded. None of this is particularly sustainable, how can you make informed decisions about clothing purchases whilst doing your bit and save money in the long run? Think twice before you pay the price! Ask yourself, do you really need that top that will go out of fashion in a month or two? Try thrift shopping! Items that are pre-loved may have literally just been worn once or twice with no wear and tear, if it’s a good quality item and cheaper it’s a win win!

3. Energy

Reducing energy use is good for the pocket and the planet. It might not be the time to change energy providers, but that doesn't mean small changes won't make a big difference.

4. Travel

Sustainable travel is more than trains versus planes. It can incorporate getting around day to day as well as what we do for holidays. Be mindful of the mode of transport and opt for less polluting methods, like trains. There are many different options for travel to campus. Take advantage of green options such as walking, cycling, car sharing, and electric or low emission buses which will often also be lower in price.

Our top tips

  • Buy basic instead of branded products
  • Put a list together before going shopping
  • Budget at the start of each month/term and stick to it — it’ll soon become second-nature
  • Buy in bulk so that you don't run out quickly
  • Don't buy every book on your reading list, use the Library and buy second-hand
  • Cook batches and freeze the rest
  • Shop around to find the best offers
  • Prioritize — always make sure bills are paid first. You can change the date you pay your bills so that they leave your account soon after payday. Allow at least three working days in case payday or your bills fall on a weekend
  • Be disciplined — cut out luxury spending by not giving in to impulse buys
  • Be realistic — allow for some coffee breaks and nights out. Don’t forget to factor in unforeseen costs like birthdays, Christmas, and unexpected travel home. If you need to run a car, be mindful of the cost of petrol and repairs
  • Maximize your income — providing all assignments are done, consider doing overtime at work, especially in the Christmas and summer holidays

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